Friday, November 21, 2008

Gilera Nexus Motor manufacturers can Italia

Gilera Nexus Motor manufacturers can Italia
Piaggio is the most popular scooter manufacturer in the world. However, I know that initially designers, and others that sell reishi Guiseppe results skuternya design Franch worth 2 million to the Italian motorcycle manufacturer. Demand is also the world's scooter.

One of the reishi currently 300 Nexus and Nexus 500. For the first, its performance has been tested drivers try reishi, Simoncelli won the race in the class 250 ccc Phillip Island, Australia. Meanwhile, the 500 tried Tester from the Motor Plus.

The frizzy Simoncelli hijack motor racing with his style. But no body topple the mare in the corners. Scooter with a red burn out this claim .. Energy, ranging from lap down and hold on until filled.

Compared 'Her younger sister' of 250 cc, 300 Nexus Torque have more sip, namely, 23 Nm at 6,000 rpm propeller. Torque are the younger 20.2 Nm at 6,500 rpm propeller. It is clear acceleration Nexus 300 Smooth and more forceful.

Questions order, the motor is an older application, reishi Nexus 500. Reducing vibration and ideal geometry, the engine is designed learner-synergy with the double-cradle frame trellis. Including sokbreker back the point has been designed with customized settings rider. Spouse in front of sokbreker teleskopik 35 mm, which provides stability in the corners.
Still a matter of convenience, footing 3 feet designed according's position rider. In addition to comfortable seats and excellent quality, place the helmet under the seat designed for two at a time helmet, full face and half face.
How the Nexus 500? The sister is tested by Motor in Jakarta Plus. 4 engine valve SOHC one-cylinder capacity of 460 cc. Atomizer the fuel injection is the dry clutch system.

Riding position is designed similar supersport a little rest to the front. The total weight of 199 kilograms is divided by 48% to 52% front and rear. When ergonomi climbed with the rest to the front before, so the motor is very comfortable and balanced. Moreover, rear suspension can be adjusted up-and-down ideally rider.
For the purposes of this, the manufacturer reishi blend sokbreker front teleskopik 41 mm side by side with the quasi-progressive power drives that can be set within 7 points lower and higher. This motorcycle price of Rp 198 (OTR).

Machine: Piaggio Quasar 1-cylinder 4-stroke
Type: SOHC (single overhead cam), four Valves
Capacity: 278 cc
Diameter x stroke: 75 mm / 63 mm
Refrigerator: Water
Energy: 22.4 HP at 7,250 rpm
Torque: 23 Nm at 6,000 rpm

Fuel system: Electronic fuel injection
Front brake: 260 mm
Rear brake: 240 mm
Front tires: Pirelli 120/70-15
Back tires: Pirelli 140/60-14
Length x width x height: 2,110 x 1,515 x 780 mm
High seats: 815 mm
Tank capacity: 15 liters


Gilera Nexus Andalan Pabrikan Motor Italila

Piaggio merupakan pabrikan skuter paling populer di dunia. Namun, tak ada yang tahu perancang awalnya, tak lain Guiseppe Gilera yang menjual hasil desain skuternya seharga 2 juta Franch kepada pabrikan motor Italia itu. Dunia pun dilanda deman skuter.

Salah satu andalan Gilera saat ini Nexus 300 dan Nexus 500. Untuk yang pertama, performanya sudah dijajal pembalap Gilera, Simoncelli yang memenangkan lomba kelas 250 ccc di Phillip Island, Australia. Sementara yang 500 dicoba tester dari Motor Plus.

Si kribo Simoncelli membejek motor ini dengan gaya balapnya. Tak Cuma badan yang rebah kala di tikungan. Skuter berkelir merah ini dibikin burn out.. Tenaganya, mulai dari putaran bawah sampai atas terus terisi.

Dibanding ‘adiknya’ yang 250 cc, Nexus 300 punya torsi lebih sip, yakni 23 Nm pada kitiran 6.000 rpm. Sedang torsi sang adik 20,2 Nm di kitiran 6.500 rpm. Ini jelas akselerasi Nexus 300 lebih smooth dan bertenaga.

Soal sasis, motor ini mengaplikasi kakaknya, Gilera Nexus 500. Mengurangi getaran dan geometri ideal, mesin dirancang bersinergi dengan rangka double cradle trellis. Termasuk sokbreker belakang yang dirancang memiliki titik penyetelan disesuaikan dengan rider. Pasangannya di depan sokbreker teleskopik 35 mm yang menyajikan stabilitas di tikungan.

Masih soal nyaman, pijakan kaki dirancang 3 posisi sesuai postur pengendaRA. Boncenger juga dimanja. Selain jok nyaman dan berlualitas prima, tempat helm di bawah jok dirancang untuk dua helm sekaligus, full face dan half face.

Bagaimana dengan Nexus 500? Sang kakak ini diuji di Jakarta oleh Motor Plus. Mesin 4 katup SOHC satu silinder berkapasitas 460 cc. Pengabut bahan bakarnya sudah injeksi dengan kopling sistem kering.

Riding position dirancang mirip supersport yang agak bertumpu ke depan. Berat total yang 199 kg dibagi dengan 48% untuik depan dan 52% belakang. Saat dinaiki dengan ergonomi bertumpu ke depan tadi, motor jadi sangat nyaman dan seimbang. Apalagi suspensi belakang bisa disetel naik-turun disesuaikan idealnya pengendara.

Untuk keperluan ini, pabriukan Gilera memakai paduan sokbreker depan telskopik 41 mm berdampingan dengan sok progressive power drive yang bisa disetel dalam 7 titik rendah dan tinggi. Harga motor ini Rp 198 (OTR).

Spesifikasi Teknik 300

Mesin : Piaggio Quasar 1 silinder 4-tak

Jenis : SOHC (single overhead cam), four valves

Kapasitas : 278 cc

Diameter x stroke : 75 mm / 63 mm

Pendingin : Air

Tenaga : 22,4 HP pada 7,250 rpm

Torsi : 23 Nm at 6,000 rpm

Sistem bahan bakar : Electronic fuel injection

Rem depan : 260 mm

Rem belakang : 240 mm

Ban depan : Pirelli 120/70-15

Ban Belakang : Pirelli 140/60-14

Panjang x lebar x tinggi: 2.110 x 780 x 1.515 mm

Tinggi jok : 815 mm

Kapasitas tangki : 15 liter

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